We go to the wind industry and can support its operations comprehensively.
From the training of employees through the provision of equipment and even the inspection of personal protective equipment as well as belay systems and points.
Wind companies expect an employee to be fully qualified for the job – experience as well as a training package.
Each WIND company, working with our Rojam Safety Center Training Center, will hire a Technician who will have the appropriate level of knowledge and skills, as well as be familiar with the safety procedures in place during work. All this will be certified by IRATA certificates and GWO training package.
Cooperate with us:
Each Technician will be individually fitted with the appropriate equipment. Properly selected harnesses and even the component lengths of PPE are to give workers maximum safety and save their lives in emergencies!
To increase safety, we also equip wind turbines with a fall protection system, which is already required by law in most countries.
We offer personal protection equipment from leading brands.
Each company in the wind industry handing over the personal protective equipment of its employees to us for inspection can be sure that a competent person carries out the inspection.
At least once a year, we pay attention to the safety level of Technicians working at height.
In addition, we also inspect their working environment – that is, the wind turbines, more specifically, the belay systems and points and the ladders present.