Gdansk Labor Office – planned call dates:
- 1st for applications: from February 7, 2023 to February 10, 2023. – From the basic limit of KFS funds.
- II call for applications: May/June 2023 . – basic limit + MRiPS reserve (exact date to be announced later)
It was created with funds from the Labor Fund to support continuing education for employers and employees. Its main goal is to prevent the loss of employment by working people due to competencies inadequate to the requirements of a dynamically changing economy. Investment in human resources potential should improve both the position of companies and the employees themselves in the competitive labour market.
Who can benefit?
All employers can apply for a subsidy for the cost of continuing education.
It does not matter what type of employment contract the employees benefiting from training supported by KFS funds are employed under and whether it is a full-time or part-time job. In addition, as a working person, the employer can benefit from KFS-funded continuing education on the same terms as his employees.
What is the level of funding?
- for micro-enterprises – 100% of the cost of training*,
- for other employers – 80% of training costs*.
* but no more than 300% of the average salary in a given year per participant.
Priorities for the disbursement of the National Training Fund in 2023:
- Priorities of the so-called. “Minister’s pool”:
a. Support for continuing education aimed at employers who hire foreigners.
b. Support for continuing education in connection with the application of newprocesses, technologies and work tools.
c. Support for continuing education in identified in a given district or provinceprovince deficit occupations.
d. Support for continuing education for newly employed persons (or persons who have beenchanged responsibilities) over 50 years of age.
e. Support for continuing education for those returning to the labor market after a breakrelated to child care and persons who are members of familiesof families with many children.
f. Support for continuing education of persons under 30 years of age in the field of skillsdigital and skills related to the energy and waste management industry. - Priorities of the Labor Market Council (KFS reserve):
a. Support for continuing education of employees of Social Integration Centers, Social Integration Clubs, Occupational Therapy Workshops, Occupational Activity EstablishmentsOccupational Integration Centers, members or employees of social cooperatives and employeesemployed in entities with the status of a social enterpriseindicated on the list/registry of social enterprises maintained by the MRiPS.
b. Support for continuing education of persons with a certified degree of disability.
c. Support for continuing education in areas/industries key to the development of thedistrict/province indicated in strategic documents/development plans.
d. Support for continuing education of instructors of practical vocational training or personsabout to undertake this activity, supervisors of apprenticeships and supervisors ofof student internship, and industry training for vocational education teachers.
e. Support for continuing education of persons who can document performance offor at least 15 years of work in special conditions or of a special nature,and who are not entitled to a bridge pension.
- we are a reliable training company with an ISO 9001:2015 certificate, which proves the high quality of our services,
- we are accredited by the POMORSKIE CURATOR OF EDUCATION,
- we have IRATA accreditation,
- we have accreditation of GWO,
- we have an entry in the register of continuing education institutions (WUP register),
- when choosing training courses from our offer, we help for free by filling in the application form.